Kegerator, Beer Cooler, Dispensers

Beer Keg Kegerator

· Kegerator

A kegerator is a device that combines a keg and a refrigerator to store and dispense beer at a cold temperature.

Kegerators are popular among beer enthusiasts who want to enjoy draft beer at home or in a commercial setting. Kegerators can also be used for other beverages, such as cider, kombucha, and cold-brew coffee.

There are different types of kegerators, depending on the size and number of kegs they can hold, the number of taps they have, and the installation method. Some common types are:

- Kegerator fridge:

This is a standard refrigerator that has been modified to fit a keg and a tap system inside. It can be a DIY project or a pre-made product. A kegerator fridge can hold various sizes of kegs, from 1/6 barrel to 1/2 barrel, depending on the fridge capacity.

- 1/2 kegerator:

This is a kegerator that can hold a 1/2 barrel keg, which is equivalent to 15.5 gallons or 124 pints of beer. A 1/2 kegerator is usually larger and heavier than other types of kegerators, and it may require more space and power to operate. A 1/2 kegerator can have one or more taps, depending on the model.

- 1/6 kegerator:

This is a kegerator that can hold a 1/6 barrel keg, which is equivalent to 5.16 gallons or 41 pints of beer. A 1/6 kegerator is smaller and lighter than other types of kegerators, and it may be more suitable for limited space and budget. A 1/6 kegerator can have one or more taps, depending on the model.

- 2 tap kegerator:

This is a kegerator that has two taps, which means it can dispense two different kinds of beer at the same time. A 2 tap kegerator can hold one or more kegs, depending on the size and configuration. A 2 tap kegerator can be freestanding or built-in, depending on the design.

- Kegerator kit:

This is a set of components that can be used to convert a refrigerator or a freezer into a kegerator. A typical kegerator kit includes a CO2 tank, a regulator, a keg coupler, a beer line, an air line, a faucet, and a tower or a shank. A kegerator kit can be customized to fit different types of kegs and taps.

Kegerators are not only convenient and fun, but they can also save money and reduce waste in the long run. By buying beer in bulk and storing it in a kegerator, you can avoid paying for bottles, cans, or packaging materials that end up in landfills. You can also enjoy fresher and better-tasting beer than what you get from store-bought containers.

If you are interested in buying or making your own kegerator, you can find many options online or in local stores.

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How Many Types of Beer Keg Kegerator Are There?

You might be interested in getting a kegerator. A kegerator is a specialized refrigerator that keeps a keg of beer cold and dispenses it through a faucet.

But before you buy a kegerator, you need to know what kind of keg you want to use. Kegs come in different sizes and shapes, and not all kegerators can fit all types of kegs. In this article, we will explain the most common types of kegs and kegerators, and help you choose the best one for your needs.

Types of Kegs

A keg is a cylindrical container that holds pressurized beer. The beer is pushed out by carbon dioxide (CO2) gas through a valve called a coupler, which connects to a hose called a beer line. The beer line leads to a tap tower, where the beer is dispensed through a faucet.

There are many types of kegs, but here are the most common ones in the US:

- Mini Keg: This is the smallest type of keg, holding only 1.32 gallons or 169 ounces of beer. It is designed for mini kegerators, which are portable and easy to use. Mini kegs are ideal for one-time use or small gatherings, but they have limited availability and variety of beers.

- Cornelius Keg: This type of keg was originally used by the soft drink industry, but it has become popular among homebrewers who want to avoid bottling their beer. It holds 5 gallons or 640 ounces of beer, and it has two types of connectors: ball-lock or pin-lock. Cornelius kegs are easy to fill and clean, but they require special fittings and equipment to use with standard kegerators.

- Sixth Barrel: This type of keg is also known as a sixtel or a torpedo keg. It holds 5.16 gallons or 661 ounces of beer, which is equivalent to about 56 12-ounce cans or bottles. It has the same diameter as a Cornelius keg (9.25 inches), but it is taller (23.38 inches). Sixth barrels are becoming more common in craft breweries and bars, as they offer more variety and freshness than larger kegs.

- Quarter Barrel: This type of keg is also known as a pony keg or a stubby quarter. It holds 7.75 gallons or 992 ounces of beer, which is equivalent to about 82 12-ounce cans or bottles. It has a wider diameter than a sixth barrel (16.13 inches), but it is shorter (13.88 inches). Quarter barrels are often used for domestic beers or popular brands that have high turnover.

- Slim Quarter: This type of keg is also known as a tall quarter or a European import barrel. It holds the same amount of beer as a quarter barrel (7.75 gallons or 992 ounces), but it has a slimmer diameter (11.13 inches) and a taller height (23.38 inches). Slim quarters are often used for imported beers or specialty beers that have lower demand.

- Half Barrel: This type of keg is also known as a full-size keg or a standard US barrel. It holds 15.5 gallons or 1984 ounces of beer, which is equivalent to about 165 12-ounce cans or bottles. It has the same diameter as a quarter barrel (16.13 inches), but it is twice as tall (23.38 inches). Half barrels are the most common type of keg in bars and restaurants, as they offer the best value and volume for high-volume sales.

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Christine Wong