Beer can 500ml
  • Beer can 500ml
  • Beer can 500ml
  • Beer can 500ml

Beer can 500ml

Beer can 500ml and can ends 202
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Beer can 500ml with aluminum can ends SOT 202

A beer can with a capacity of 500ml, also known as a King Can, is a popular and convenient packaging option for beer and other beverages. It offers a generous portion size that is ideal for sharing or enjoying a tall pour of your favorite drink. It also has a broad surface area that allows for creative and eye-catching branding and design.

There are many advantages of using a beer can with a capacity of 1500ml, such as:


- It is made of aluminum, which is a lightweight, durable and recyclable material that preserves the quality and freshness of the beverage inside.
- It is compatible with most filling options and can be customized with various ends, tabs, special effects and enhancements to suit different consumer preferences and occasions.
- It is easy to transport, store and dispose of, as it takes up less space than glass bottles and does not require any additional packaging materials.


A beer can with a capacity of 1000ml is a great choice for consumers who want to enjoy a large amount of beer or other beverages in a convenient and attractive package. It is also a great choice for producers who want to showcase their brand identity and innovation in a competitive market.


  • Contact : Christine Wong
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